من نحن


كلمة المدير العام

نحن في شركة أملاك المتحدة للمقاولات العامة نقدم أعمالنا المتنوعة في مجال المقاولات العامة
على أسس علمية حديثة وبجودة عالية، ولقد حددنا منذ البداية مجموعة من القيم والمبادئ التي تحدد
إطار عالقاتنا مع العملاء والجهات المعنية بأعمالنا، ونعلم أن الاستثمار في التنمية البشرية هو الركيزة الأساسية لنجاح الأعمال واستمرارها وأن نجاحنا مرهون برضى عملاءنا وتلبية تطلعاتهم واحتياجاتهم. نؤمن بأن لدينا مسئولية تجاه وطننا الغالي، ونسعى لأن نكون إضافة حقيقية للتنمية االقتصادية الطموحة التي تسعى إليها حكومة خادم الحرمين الشريفين من خلال رؤية المملكة 2030 .ولدينا إصرارًا ورؤية لبناء مستقبل أفضل بالتطوير المستمر وتلبية تطلعات عمالئنا وشركائنا وموظفينا،ونتطلع لأن نكون نموذج للشركات التي تتعامل بأعلى المعايير على كافة المستويات اإلادارية والتنفيذية بما يتوافق مع رؤيتنا وأهدافنا االستراتيجية

سمير الشك



أن نكون الشريك األمين لعمالئنا، ونطور قدراتنا ونقدم أعمالنا وخدماتنا بمعايير جودة عالية



ننفذ أعمالنا بمعايير جودة عالية، بتكلفة عادلة تناسب عمالئنا، فى الوقت المتفق علية ، بفريق عمل
يمتلك الخبرة والكفاءة و التكنولوجيا الحديث


  • Satisfying customers by providing high quality and appropriate-price works and services.
  • Improving the potentials of our employees and providing a work environment that achieves job security.
  • Improving our competitiveness inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Achieving profits that help us grow and expand our activities and sectors.
  • Contributing to community service through community initiatives.



Our provision of services and implementation of works keep in mind the provision of a work environment that preserves the safety and health of employees by complying with occupational safety and health (OSH) regulations and requirements.



Our policies, regulations and administration are periodically reviewed and improved to achieve our objectives according to comprehensive quality management criteria.



Continuous training of our employees to enhance our competitiveness and business quality.



We believe in the exchange and integration of expertise. So, we have signed coalition agreements with local and regional companies in our activities and business.



We are keen to adhere to occupational ethics. Therefore, we have prepared “Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct” to be a guide for all our staff in their dealings.

Human Resources

We have a clear vision that always prioritizes our customers’ needs and requirements. Through this vision, we form able and efficient work teams and employ directors and professionals with vast expertise gained over long years of operation. In line with this policy, more efficiencies have been attracted from local market and from abroad as well. In every project, a work team of highly efficient specialists is dedicated in order to meet the determined requirements to deliver high quality work.

Amlak’s Organizational Structure


Facility Management

  • Maintenance and Operation Section
  • Support Services Section
  • Landscape and Agriculture Section


Marketing Department

  • Marketing Section
  • Contract Study
  • Customer Service


HR Department

  • Public Relations
  • Administrative Affairs
  • Personnel Affairs

Plant and Equipment

Plant and equipment management system is an essential part of our competitiveness and ability to meet customers’ needs. Plant management system is based on the purchase and use of advanced equipment, renovation and restoration of equipment to ensure that they remain operative throughout their age. Mechanical operation and maintenance programs are implemented by efficient and skilled technicians with continuous training in equipment renovation and repair programs and disposal of scrap equipment.